-Hip cross-over x30
-Scorpion x30
-Calf Stretch x10 each leg
-Hand Walk x10
-Inverted Hamstring x10
-World's Greatest Stretch x10 each leg
-Lunge w/twist x10 each
-Sumo Squat-Stand x20
-Arm Circles x30 each direction
Main Workout: For Time: 3 sets
-Pull-ups x10
-Straight Legged Deadlift x10
-Push-ups x10
-Box Jumps x10
More Goods:
-Weighted Wipers x30
-Knee Raises x30
-50 Meter Strides x6, 50% effort
Cool Down/Stretch
I liked this one. The warm-up is based on the book Core Performance by Mark Verstegen. I can explain all of those names if you want to attempt the warm-up. Next, the main workout was completed in 6:35, and I was hurting after the first round. My hands especially took a beating with the pull-ups. For weight on the deadlift, I used a 115# bar, just over 50% of my bodyweight.
You can see a picture of the weighted wipers. I don't know quite what to call those, but basically, you get a bar, get into bench press position, and just hold it up there while raising your straight legs from right side to left and back again. I used the 115# bar. For the knee raises, I used parallel bars and just lifted my knees up to horizontal. Strides- just an easy sprint to shake it all out and line it all up.
I'm liking this blog thing. I know it's only day two and I'll get sick of it, but so far it's making me want to workout and get it on the web.
What is World's Greatest Stretch? I need that.
The world's greatest stretch- "Take a large step forward with your left leg to get into a lunge position. Now bend down and place your left elbow against the instep of your left foot while keeping your right knee off the floor. Pause momentarily, then lift your left hand and place it outside your left foot. From this position, push your hips to the ceiling (your back knee will straighten) and lift the toes of your left foot toward your shin. Finally, stand up and step forward into the next lunge and repeat. That's one repetition. "You're giving your muscles mobility and stability, which will support the rest of your workout. This is the most important and easiest thing you can do to improve performance," says Verstegen."
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