Friday, June 13, 2008

Back at it again...

After the death march described below, I took a day off and did nothing but eat, sleep, and work.  I felt pretty good after the hike, not too sore, just a bit tired.  I followed that day up with more resting and some softball for two days.  Nice and easy.  And then I decided to jump back in.

Warm Up:
-Plate circuit
-World's Greatest Stretch
-Bird Dog

Main: x3 sets
-One legged get-ups x10 each
-Push ups x10
-Weighted wipers x20
-Standing Russian Twists x20
-Knee lifts x20
-Ham curls on swiss ball x20

Also: DB shoulder circuit

Cardio: 20 minutes on elliptical


I felt this the next day.  After the hike, I noticed how much I'd used my hamstrings.  Then doing this workout really hit them again.  Now they kinda feel like they did when I was training for the pole-vault, only they're not tight... yet.
The standing russian twists are my favorite new movement for training the core.  You take a long barbell and put one end in a corner.  Then put some weight on the other end, closest to you.  I used 50#.  At that point, you pick up the weighted end with both hands, and starting with the weight at arms length on the right side, move it in an arcing motion to the other side, as if you were to paint the biggest semi-circle you could on a wall while standing in one spot.  Back and forth, 20 times. 

Ok, I'm tired, I'm in Seattle and I may or may not get in some activity today.  But tomorrow I believe we're going to hike Mt. Si, which is an 8 mile hike gaining something like 3000' elevation.  I think that'll suffice.


Daphne said...

I did a nice 2.5 mile run last night and more pushups. Um, then I ate ice cream. Oh well.

Daphne said...

I did a 3 mile run tonight and some more pushups.

Maybe you can help me come up with a good starter routine for getting back in shape?